Pre-Owned Pianos


  • Walnut Satin
  • 52" Studio
  • Serial #98580
  • 1959
  • bench included
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This pre-owned Heintzman 52" walnut satin studio upright was built in 1959 in Canada, and is in pristine condition! Our technicians have inspected this piano, and have found that it has tight tuning pins, and no cracks in the soundboard or bridges.

A matching bench is included. Reconditioning includes:

  • Hammer Resurfacing
  • Aligning Hammers to Strings
  • Tightening Action Screws
  • Leveling Keys
  • Adjusting Key Dip
  • Adjusting Let-off and Backchecks
  • Cleaning the Strings
  • Polishing Keytops
  • Cleaning Both Inside & Out
  • Adjusting the Pedals
  • Re-pinning & Replacing Felts as Needed
  • Tuning

We guarantee our work with a 2-year mechanical warranty.

The original Heintzman company is no longer in business, however, new, this piano would be equivalent to a Mason & Hamlin model 50 upright, which retails new at $35,000.

Heintzman Piano History

The Heintzman company was established in 1866 in Toronto, CA by Theodore Heinztman, a German immigrant. The founder died in 1899, but the company continued to produce pianos through 1978, when they were bought by a furniture making company. At this time, uprights were mainly produced in Hanover, Ontario. By the late 1980's, the Heintzman pianos were also being produced by the US piano companies Kimball and Wurlitzer, among others. In 1989 the company name and all the piano designs were purchased by a Chinese firm and are now being produced in Beijing.

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