Soundboard Decals
Soundboard & String Scaling
Piano Lid Veneer Repair
Larry Sprays Lacquer Finish on a Piano Lid
Larry Sprays Black Lacquer Finish on a Steinway Piano Case
Larry Sprays Black Lacquer Finish on a Steinway Piano Case
Kyle Scuffs (Sands) between Coats of Lacquer
Music Rack Repair
Refinished Fallboard
Clear Lacquer Finish - Rosewood
Soundboards and Lumber in the Dry Room
Soundboards in the Dry Room
Gluing the Ribs onto the Soundboard - Elmer Sets the Hickory Sticks
Elmer Cleans Up After Gluing Ribs onto the Soundboard
Recapping a Bridge - Setting Bridge Pin Holes
Notching a Bridge
Bridges in Various Stages of being Recapped
James Reeder & Larry Set the Bridge Placement
Gluing the Soundboard into the Piano
Applying Sealer to a Bass Bridge
Applying Sealer to a Bridge
James Reeder 'Inspects' the Soundboard
Jerry Drills a Pinblock
Sets of Agraffes Ready to be Cleaned
Polishing a Plate Bolt
Piano Wire and Bass Strings
Jerry Strings a Piano
Cheri Reletters a Piano Plate
New Tuning Pins, Strings, Soundboard, Decal and Re-Bronzed Plate
Key Re-Wooding Process
Key Re-Wooding Process
New Acrylic Key Top Installation
New Acrylic Key Top Installation
Sanding Ivory Key Tops
Polishing Ivory Key Tops
Gluing Key Bushings into Keys
Key Frame with New Felt Punchings
Rosewood Dampers Ready to be Reconditioned and Re-Felted
Boring Holes into New Hammers
Boring Holes into New Hammers
Piano Action with New Action Parts, Ready for Hammers
Cheri Traveling a Set of Action Whippens
Re-Installing a Set of Dampers
Larry Regulates a Piano Action
Larry Regulates a Piano Action
Piano Action
Hammers and Shanks
Piano Assembly - Jerry Installs Piano Lid Hinges
James Reeder Voices a Set of Hammers
Piano Tuning
James Reeder Tunes a Piano
Bass Strings
Bass Strings
Pianos in Final Stages of the Restoration Process
Signed Soundboard