Yamaha C2

5'8" Ebony Polish Grand Piano - Serial #5900307 - 2000
This Just In - A Yamaha C2 5'8" piano! It is in excellent condition and has been owned by one family since new in 2000. This is a lovely piano, and with the quality of workmanship that Yamaha is known for it will last many more years. Our technicians have inspected this piano and confirmed that the pins are tight, there are no cracks in the soundboard or bridges, and the hammers have very little wear. This conservatory series piano is a wonderful instrument!
This piano has been reconditioned. A matching bench with storage is included.
- Hammer Resurfacing
- Aligning Hammers to Strings
- Tightening Action Screws
- Leveling Keys
- Adjusting Key Dip
- Adjusting Let-off and Backchecks
- Cleaning the Strings
- Polishing the Keytops
- Cleaning the case both inside & out
- Adjusting the Pedals
- Polishing brass hardware
- Tuning and Voicing
At 5'8", this Yamaha piano is a great size for a large living space or music studio and will give you the wonderful sound that is characteristic of the conservatory series. New, this piano would cost you $45,999.
Yamaha Piano History
The Yamaha Corporation built it's first upright pianos in 1900, with grand pianos soon to follow. This Japanese company has continually sought to improve its instruments by sending its engineers to study with European piano manufacturing greats, as well as bringing experts to Japan to advise in their factory. The Yamaha Music school was started in 1954, and soon thereafter the company began to diversify with production of motorcycles, water craft, as well as other instruments.
Yamaha has maintained its success to become one of the largest piano manufacturing companies in the world, and acquired the Bosendorfer piano in 2008, maintaining it's manufacturing plant in Austria. Today it is one of the most recognized names in the musical world.
More information from our website Yamaha C2