Restored Pianos

A selection of our exclusive, world-class fully restored pianos

Mid-Winter Clearance! - 15% Off Acoustic Pianos * Coupon Code: piano15

Knabe 5'8

Restored 5'8" Ebony Satin Grand with bench - Serial# 62498 - 1906

This 1906 Knabe grand has been completely restored by Reeder Pianos, and is now available to you! It is a new addition to our showroom, right from our restoration center - everything is like new again - and it is beautiful! It plays like a dream, with a wonderful touch, lots of dynamic control and a wonderful, sweet singing tone that is not to be overlooked. You will fall in love with this piano.

A family heirloom, this piano was purchased new and has never been available to purchase until now. It was passed down through the generations, and is now available for you to continue the heritage of music in your home. What a wonderful legacy that you can share with your family too!


*Except and excluding those already marked on sale. Not to be combined with other sale pricing, discounts, offers, as-is pianos or trade-ins.

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